Are you concerned about the pros and cons of online learning? As a leader in the industry since 2003 TIPS for Child Care Institute, Inc. takes a flipped learning approach to educating adult learners working with the most vulnerable children in our country. Our environment is more than a traditional classroom. It is a classroom where learners have the opportunity to be active participants through a variety of blended tools. Blended learning environments tend to support the retention of information in adult learners. "There are other ways to define the flip. It can be described as moving from an instructor-centered learning environment to a student-centered learning environment. It could also be defined as shifting from individual to collaborative strategies.
Although, it is possible to flip a class using individual activities such as quizzes, worksheets, reflective writing prompts, and problem solving assignments. The key is to complete these activities during class time. Flipping may or may not include technology. Bergmann and Sams (2012) explain, “Ultimately, flipping a classroom involves shifting the energy away from the instructor and toward the students and then leveraging educational tools to enhance the learning environment.”
"Keep in mind that educational tools include but are not limited to technology. While videos and other technological tools can be effective in a flipped classroom, they are not required. The true essence of the flip is really to focus on the student."
TIPS for Child Care Institute, Inc., adult learners must be active in their learning process to be successful. These learners are offered several tools they can manage on their own time and still be active as a participant with their peers. Our in-house learning management system , TOCLASS currently serves as an avenue into today's learning bridging the technology gap for students educated in previous non-tech classrooms. The adult learner is required to participate in the live webinar environment to support the classic teacher-pupil relationship which cultivates excellence, standards and accountability. Our flipped learning environment is appreciated by our adult learners throughout the world. It gives them the opportunity to plug into class from anywhere they can get on the internet!
Reference: Bergmann, J. & Sams, A. (2012). Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. International Society for Technology in Education.
Dr. Barbi Honeycutt is the founder of Flip It Consulting and the director of graduate professional development and teaching programs at North Carolina State University. Jennifer Garrett is a freelance writer based in Madison, WI.
To schedule training and learn more about Adult Learning Technologies for Early Learning Practitioners or schedule this session for your state trainers interested in Virtual Classrooms call 833-467-9997 or email sgreen@tipforchildcare.com we would love to come to your conference or institute or Zoom with you to discuss this rapidly growing training practice.